-具有熟練的演示軟件(如PowerPoint、Adobe CS)及使用Rhino、AutoCAD 和 Revit進行3D建模的技能;
Architecture Intern
Job Description:
The applicant should be passionate about the field of architectural design and eager to make significant progress under the guidance of Architect Zhu Xiaodi.
Intern Requirements:
- Full-time students in architecture or related majors, third year and above;
- The probationary period shall be no less than 3 months.
- Have good teamwork ability;
- Proficient in presentation software (e.g. PowerPoint, Adobe CS) and 3D modeling with Rhino, AutoCAD, and Revit;
- Preference will be given to those with overseas education experience;
-The applicant must provide a design portfolio and the corresponding introduction.
北京 - 豐臺
北京 - 朝陽
中建研科技股份有限公司北京 - 通州
北京 - 大興
北京 - 西城
北京 - 朝陽