FSG Introduction Frontier Services Group is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange(0500HK) with its headquarters in Hong Kong and Beijing and offices in Shanghai, Dubai, Nairobi, Boten, Kashgar, Malta and Johannesburg. FSG is a leading provider of integrated security, logistics and insurance services for clients operating in frontier markets. Our teams are multinational, multilingual and highly experienced, which allows us to provide world-class service no matter the environment.Our business is divided into three divisions– Security, Logistics and Insurance, focused on four regions– East Africa, Northwest, Southwest and Middle East regions. The target markets in East Africa include Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo. Northwest region focuses on Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Southwest region predominately serves Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. Middle East region focuses on Iraq, Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia.先豐服務集團簡介先豐服務集團是香港聯(lián)交所上市公司(股票代碼0500HK),集團總部位于香港,業(yè)務總部位于北京,在上海、迪拜、內羅畢、磨丁、喀什、馬耳他和約翰內斯堡等地設有分支機構。先豐是一家為在前沿市場運營的企業(yè)提供安全、物流和保險綜合服務的領先供應商。先豐的團隊具備國際化、多語言、經(jīng)驗豐富等特質,憑借其豐富的屬地知識和經(jīng)驗,可在任何復雜環(huán)境中為客戶提供世界級的服務。先豐業(yè)務分為三大板塊:安保、物流和保險;先豐關注四大地區(qū):南部非洲區(qū)、西北區(qū)、西南區(qū)和中東區(qū)。南部非洲區(qū)重點國家包括肯尼亞、索馬里、南蘇丹和民主剛果;西北區(qū)重點國家包括巴基斯坦、阿富汗、哈薩克斯坦和烏茲別克斯坦;西南區(qū)重點國家包括緬甸、老撾、泰國和柬埔寨;中東區(qū)重點國家包括伊拉克、卡塔爾、阿聯(lián)酋和沙特阿拉伯。